Thursday, August 26, 2010

drooools my off day tomorrow! but i'm not resting cause i'l be going for movie with friends in the morning and bbq farewell party at night rawrrr well, will be tired but it's worth it spending time with friends :) for me, friends played a big role in my life including shaping who i am now, changing from worse to bad, bad to good. no matter what, how far are we separated, we are still friends and even if we didn't keep in touch, you are always in my mind :)

how many tomorrow we got? some might have thousands, millions. but some might be having the last one today, tomorrow? i might crash in an accident tomorrow, who knows? i realized that life is that fragile that you might be gone anytime. so it's just best to live today happily and make it meaningful. it's not about how the day make you, but it's how you made your day!

working did make me know myself more. just like today, when i'm handling the new stocks that just arrived, such as tagging the price tag to the clothes, separating according to types, tying them up and listing them, i felt that i don't like when many people are trying to help on just doing 1 thing. it's like, no allocation? productivity also decreases. eh shit, out of topic. well, i just felt i couldn't concentrate and give my 100% on doing it. :)

it's been quite some time since i speed. oh i didn't mean to speed but i just hate when car flashes at me = = and someone told me this before, just drive as how you are, as long as you feel it's safe. if you're used to speeding, driving slow could kill you. quite true?

i ♥ pisang goreng

why do i keep thinking of her all the time? stop me!

going to bathe so i'm gonna end my mumbo jumbo here. if you are still reading, thanks for reading my random topics xD buh byeeee


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